< 模块:Category handler
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模块:Category handler/blacklist


此模块的文档可以在模块:Category handler/blacklist/doc创建

脚本错误:Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

-- This module contains the blacklist used by [[Module:Category handler]].
-- Pages that match Lua patterns in this list will not be categorised unless
-- categorisation is explicitly requested.

return {
    '^Main Page$', -- don't categorise the main page.
    -- Don't categorise the following pages or their subpages.
    -- "%f[/\0]" matches if the next character is "/" or the end of the string.
    '^Wikipedia:Cascade%-protected items%f[/\0]',
    '^User:UBX%f[/\0]', -- The userbox "template" space.
    '^User talk:UBX%f[/\0]',
    -- Don't categorise subpages of these pages, but allow
    -- categorisation of the base page.
    '^Wikipedia:Template messages/.*$',
    '/[aA]rchive' -- Don't categorise archives.