< 模板:Namespace detect
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模板:Namespace detect/doc


Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(): unable to create pipe Too many open files[[Category:模板:SUBJECTSPACE ZH说明文件]] Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(): unable to create pipe Too many open files

这是{{namespace detect}}元模板。



main = 主/条目空间, 如中文维基百科上的普通条目。
talk = 任何讨论页,比如那些以"Talk:"、"User talk:"、"File talk:"等开头的页面。
user, wikipedia, file, mediawiki, template, help, category and portal = 除了讨论页之外的其他命名空间。
other = 任何未指定模板参数的命名空间。见下列解释。

为了向下兼容,本模板仍能理解file中的 image旧名称。但image现已弃用。

注意! 由于此模板更容易出现人为错误, 如参数名拼写错误。所以对于大部分使用情况,最好使用更简单的命名空间检测模板(参见下列的 see also部分) 。



{{namespace detect
| main  = Article text
| talk  = Talk page text
| other = Other pages text


Article text


Other pages text


{{namespace detect
| file     = File page text
| category = Category page text
| other    =

除文件和类别以外的任何页面上, 上面的代码都将不呈现任何内容。


{{namespace detect
| main  = 
| other = Other pages text


Other pages text


For testing and demonstration purposes this template can take a parameter named demospace. Demospace understands any of the page type names used by this template, including the other type. It tells the template to behave like it is on some specific type of page. Like this:

{{namespace detect 
| main  = Article text
| other = Other pages text
| demospace = main

No matter on what kind of page the code above is used it will return this:

Article text

It can be convenient to let your template understand the demospace parameter and send it on to the {{namespace detect}} template. Then do like this:

{{namespace detect 
| main  = Article text
| other = Other pages text
| demospace = {{{demospace|}}}

If the demospace parameter is empty or undefined then the template will detect page types as usual.



{{namespace detect
| main  = 
| other =
| demospace = {{{demospace|}}} / main / talk / user / 
              wikipedia / file / mediawiki / template / 
              help / category / portal / other

Note: Empty values to the "main" ... "portal" parameters do have special meaning.


Namespace "Image" was renamed to "File" on 11 December 2008. This template was updated to understand both names well before that, thus it still works fine. For backwards compatibility it still understands "image" both as a parameter name, such as "image = File page text", and as a value "demospace = image".

If you intend to feed tables as content to the numbered parameters of this template, then you need to know this:

Templates do have a problem to handle parameter data that contains pipes "|", unless the pipe is inside another template {{name|param1}} or inside a piped link [[帮助:模板|help]]. Thus templates can not handle wikitables as input unless you escape them by using the {{!}} template. This makes it hard to use wikitables as parameters to templates. Instead the usual solution is to use "HTML wikimarkup" for the table code, which is more robust.

For more technical details such as about "copying to other projects" and "CSS based namespace detection" see {{main talk other}} and its talk page.




Technical stuff: